Visionaries: The Apostles

Paul: The Zealot

Paul, was an all or nothing person. And more often than not, he was an “all in” type of guy. If he set his mind on something, he did it, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Challenges did not paralyse his progress, rather they propelled him further into the vision God had just for him. Today, Paul, the zealot is our teacher ☺ Continue reading “Visionaries: The Apostles”


Visionaries: The Apostles

John: L.O.V.E

He called himself ‘the disciple Jesus loved’. Not because Jesus loved him more than the other disciples, but because he chose to intentionally plug into the love that was available to him, to the other 11 as well as to you and me. This intentional decision he made led to revelations about love that he went on to teach about in his epistles. And today we take a glimpse into this L.O.V.E that John was so passionate about, even as we link it to the vision God has for each of us. Continue reading “Visionaries: The Apostles”


Visionaries: The Apostles

Peter: The Imperfect Leader

‘God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called’, so the saying goes. Often times however, we find ourselves waiting on the precipice of destiny. Waiting, not because of inability or inadequacy, but because of imperfection. “I just need to work on (fill in the blank), then I will be able to do what God has put in my heart,” we lie to ourselves. We have an image of how we are supposed to look, act or speak for God to use us. We put on ourselves these “terms and conditions” of service that God has not imposed on us. And as a result, we end up never living up to the vision God had for us from the very beginning. But there are some, who in spite of their weaknesses, take a leap of faith into the vision God has for them. One such person is Peter, the imperfect leader. Continue reading “Visionaries: The Apostles”
